40Gbps Electro-Absorption Modulator Module, EAM, 1550nm, C Band


The Electro-Absorption Modulator module consists of electro-absorption modulator with built-in cooler. The modulation signal is applied to the modulator while the CW laser propagating through electro-absorber allowing low wavelength chirping. The module includes an thermistor and a thermo-electric cooler to stabilize the performances. It is polarization maintaining fiber coupled.

EA Modulator - mini

Low Chirp, High Extinction Ratio
Low Operating Voltage at 40 Gbps
High Bandwidth and Built-in TEC

High-speed Optical Fiber Communication
Microwave Photonics


Parameter Unit Specification
Operating Wavelength nm C Band
Optical Input Power mW Max. 20
EO Bandwidth Hz >=30G
Data Rate bps DC-40G
Insertion Loss dB <=9.0
Polarization Extinction Ratio dB >=23
Extinction Ratio (at DC) dB >=17
Extinction Ratio ( at 40Gbps) dB Typ. 8
Input Driver Swing Vpp <= 3.0
Input Driver Offset V -2.0 ~ 0, Typ. -1.2
Chirp Parameter(@Vbias = -1V )** ±0.1
Internal Temperature Stability ℃/H 0.1
RF Input Port 50Ohms, K type Female
Optical Input and Output Port PMF with FC/APC
Operating Temperature 0 ~ 50
Storage Temperature -20 ~ 70
Relative Humidity % 20~90 (Non-condensation)
Power supply* DC 5V, 1A (Module)
Dimensions  (L×W×H)* mm 100×80×20 (Module)

Note: *The specifications subject to change without notice. ** The chirp varies from +1 to -1, When Vbias varies from 0V to -2V



1 2 3 4 5
Package Data Rate RF Connector Fiber Type Connector
M=Module 10=10Gbps SMA=SMA P=PM fiber FA=FC/APC
40=40Gbps XXX=Customize S=SM fiber

Typical Eye Diagram at 32Gbps